Inga Grāvele
Valmiera, LV
In English:
This book is important to me because it relates to a personal story about family generations - family welfare, conflicts between parents and children and grandchildren… Children strive for new ideals and challenges in life, but the older generation can not and does not want to accept it because they do not want change. The book is written in the sixties, but the problems that are under discussion are still relevant - also today, children want change, but there are parents who do not want to accept it. It's a book I really did not understand when I was younger, but I understand very well now.
In Latvian:
Šī grāmata man saistās ar ģimeņu paaudzēm ... par labklājību ģimenē, par ģimeni, kurās ir konflikti gan starp vecākiem un bērniem un mazbērniem. Bērni tiecas pēc jauniem ideāliem un izaicinājumiem dzīvē, bet vecākā paaudze nespēj un negrib to pieņemt, nevēlas pārmaiņas. To var salīdzināt ar mūsdienās, kad bērni vēlas pārmaiņas, bet ir vecāki, kuri to nevēlas pieņemt.