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”Wild” by Cheryl Strayed

Writer's picture: anetesboxanetesbox

Karin Guldbrand

Herning, DK

In Danish: “Wild” af Cheryl Strayed

Hvor er det latterligt at vandre. Bare gå for at gå. Uden formål. Sådan har jeg tænkt længe, når jeg har hørt, set og læst om folk, der vandrer for fornøjelsens skyld. Adskillige kilometer. Det der vandring sniger sig ind overalt. Kendte og ukendte anpriser vandringens lyksaligheder – således også tæt på mig.


Så læste jeg ”Wild” af Sheryl Strayed og forstår, at vandring kan være livsændrende. Udover det er ”Wild” bare knaldgodt skrevet; troværdig, personlig, funny. Jeg har lige købt et par vandrestøvler ; )

In English: ”Wild” by Cheryl Strayed

How ridiculous is it to go hiking. You know, just go for a long walk. Without purpose. That’s how I think, when I’ve heard, seen and read about people, that hikes just for pleasure. Hiking several kilometres. This hiking creeps in everywhere. Renowned and unknowned praise the blisses of hiking – also peoples I’m closed related to.


Then I read the book “Wild” by Cheryl Strayed and now I understand, that hiking can change your life. Besides that fact, the book is really wellwritten; trustworthy, personal and funny. So I’ve bought myself a pair of hiking boots ; )

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