Ginta Zalcmane un Iveta Krūmiņa
/National Library of Latvia/
Rīga, LV
A special book
On behalf of The National Library of latvia we invite you to donate a special book of their own, with a self-written dedication or personal story on its title page. This is an invitation to to join the project “My Life in a Bookshelf’.
Maybe the book has been stamped or a coffee stain left in it, have favourite quotes been marked? Could it have been bought with your first salary or travelled the world? Messages reaching the People’s Bookshelf will be preserved forever! The contents of the Bookshelf will also give us an idea of attitudes to reading and culture in this restless information age. As the other residents of the People’s Bookshelf, these gifts can not only be viewed digitally on this site, but also tangibly by request at the NLL.
A special place
Gunnar Birkerts, architect of the National Library of Latvia – Gaismas pils (Castle of Light) – designed a five-storey glass structure, intended for several tens of thousands of books, in the building’s atrium. He wanted this to be one of the central elements of the building, as the structure also incorporates elements of visual interplay. Unusual impressions can be created with mirrors, looking at the shelves from different angles.
The Bookshelf is a special place. The books placed there will be preserved in perpetuity and will also constantly remind visitors about the individual stories that make up our culture and history.
Taking part
Choose one special book to give to the People’s Bookshelf;
Write a message in your preferred language on the title page, explaining why you are giving this particular book;
Take the book with you when you visit the NLL in September 14th;
The donation form can be completed during the project visit in the NLL;
The donation event will be solemnly organized book lover`s chain, made up of the project partners.