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"The Last Kingdom" by Bernard Cornwell

Writer's picture: anetesboxanetesbox

Updated: Jul 17, 2018

Mikkel Hartvig Haaning

Herning, DK

In English: "The Last Kingdom"

If you love the tv-series ’Vikings’, then you should read Cornwells story about the anglo-saxon Uthred. You’ll be right in the line of shields, where the blood and sweat is splashing everywhere in the battle between Christians and Heathens. The blend of fiction and history makes me feel well entertained. But what really fascinates me is the insight in how our northern ancient culture unfolds in the world and has made pronounced imprints in the development of the European culture. And that to a much bigger extent that most people are aware of, and was also with an approach to the world, especially in our modern times, that is really interesting, when you think of terms like globalization and the ability to seek out, meet, take in and integrate the unknown in your own culture.

In Danish: "Det sidste kongerige"

Elsker du ”Vikings, så start på Cornwells fortælling om sakseren Uthred og stå med i skjoldmuren, hvor blodet og sveden sprøjter i kampen mellem kristne og hedninge. Blandingen af fiktion og historie gør at jeg føler mig godt underholdt. Men især finder jeg det fascinerende at få indblik i, hvordan vores nordiske kultur udspillede sig på den internationale scene og satte markante aftryk i udviklingen af en europæisk kultur. I en grad, som vel sagtens er langt større end de fleste er klar over. Og med en tilgang til verden, som ikke mindst i en moderne tid, er interessant, når talen falder på globalisering og evnen til at opsøge, møde, optage og integrere det fremmede i egen kultur.

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